1/35 Dutch in Afghanistan (Uruzgan)

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  • F-URUZ01 Minimi Gunner
    F-URUZ01 Minimi Gunner

    Set: Minimi gunner Dutch modern Afghanistan. SMM F-URUZ 01
    Scale: 1/35 1:35
    Material: 3D resin.

    Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:

    € 12,95
  • F-URUZ02 Riflemen
    F-URUZ02 Riflemen

    Set: Riflemen, Dutch modern Afghanistan SMM F-URUZ 02
    Scale: 1/35 1:35
    Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:

    € 12,95
  • F-URUZ03 Engineer, IED Sweep
    F-URUZ03 Engineer, IED Sweep

    Set: Engineer, Dutch modern Afghanistan SMM F-URUZ 03
    Scale: 1/35 1:35
    Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:

    € 13,95
  • F-URUZ04 Forward Observer
    F-URUZ04 Forward Observer

    Set: Forward Observer, Dutch modern Afghanistan SMM F-URUZ 04
    Scale: 1/35 1:35
    Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:

    € 13,45
  • F-URUZ05 Dutch Crew
    F-URUZ05 Dutch Crew

    Set: Crew, Dutch modern Afghanistan SMM F-URUZ 05
    Scale: 1/35 1:35
    Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:

    € 10,95
  • F-URUZ06 MAG Gunner on watch
    F-URUZ06 MAG Gunner on watch

    Set: MAG Gunner, Dutch modern Afghanistan SMM F-URUZ 06
    Scale: 1/35 1:35
    Material: 3D resin. Use in a vehicle (YPR765A1) or outpost.

    Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:

    € 13,95
  • F-URUZ07 Standing watch
    F-URUZ07 Standing watch

    Set: Standing watch, Dutch modern Afghanistan SMM F-URUZ 07
    Scale: 1/35 1:35
    Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:

    € 11,95
  • F-URUZ08 A good Soldier
    F-URUZ08 A good Soldier

    Set: A Good Soldier, Dutch modern Afghanistan SMM F-URUZ 08
    Scale: 1/35 1:35
    Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:

    € 12,95
  • F-URUZ09 Underslung riflemen
    F-URUZ09 Underslung riflemen

    Set: Underslung riflemen, Dutch modern Afghanistan SMM F-URUZ 09
    Scale: 1/35 1:35
    Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:

    € 12,95
  • F-URUZ10 On watch (Search done)
    F-URUZ10 On watch (Search done)

    Set: Standing watch, ready with search, Dutch modern Afghanistan SMM F-URUZ 10
    Scale: 1/35 1:35
    Material: 3D resin. Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad:

    € 11,95
  • F-URUZ12 MB Driver 1
    F-URUZ12 MB Driver 1

    Set: MB Driver 1, Dutch modern Afghanistan SMM F-URUZ 12Scale: 1/35 1:35Use: Material: 3D resin.

    Works best with the "A" version MB Softtop.

    Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad: X0000

    € 11,95
  • F-URUZ13 MB MAG Gunner 1
    F-URUZ13 MB MAG Gunner 1

    Set: MB Gunner MAG 1, Dutch modern Afghanistan SMM F-URUZ 13Scale: 1/35 1:35Use: Material: 3D resin.

    Works Best with the "A" version MB Softtop.

    Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad: X0000

    € 11,95
  • F-URUZ14 Standing next to the vehicle MB
    F-URUZ14 Standing next to the vehicle MB

    Set: Standing next to the vehicle, Dutch modern Afghanistan SMM F-URUZ 14Scale: 1/35 1:35Use: Material: 3D resin.

    Works with all versions MB Softtop.

    Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad: X0000

    € 12,95
  • F-URUZ15 gearing up for patrol
    F-URUZ15 gearing up for patrol

    Set: Gearing up for patrol, Dutch modern Afghanistan SMM F-URUZ 15Scale: 1/35 1:35Use: Material: 3D resin.

    Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad: X0000

    € 12,95
  • A-URUZ01 "Arwy" Gear
    A-URUZ01 "Arwy" Gear

    Set: Arwy Gear, Dutch modern Afghanistan SMM A-URUZ 01Scale: 1/35 1:35Use: Material: 3D resin.

    Perfect for your vehicle decoration and camp side diorama.

    Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad: X0000

    € 9,95
  • F-URUZ16 Ready to move
    F-URUZ16 Ready to move

    Set: Ready to move, Dutch modern Afghanistan SMM F-URUZ 16Scale: 1/35 1:35Use: Material: 3D resin.

    Difficulty level / Moeilijkheidsgraad: X0000

    € 12,95
    1 - 16 van 20 resultaten
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